Following on from my wildly popular (in certain circles) Ragged Robin timeline, and inspired by Ryan North's Songs In List Format1, I hereby present a timeline of the argument2 described in One Week by Barenaked Ladies.
One week ago
- looked at him
- cocked her head to the side
- threw her arms in the air
- dropped her arms to the side
- said that:
- she was angry
- he was crazy
- she was sorry
Five days ago
- laughed at him, saying "Get that together, come back and see me"
- tackled him
He laughed at her, and said that she had just done just what he had thought that she was going to do.
Three days ago
In the living room:
- he realised it was all his fault (but couldn't tell her)
- she realised it was not his fault
- both parties realised that they were both to blame - but what were they going to do?
She had forgiven him.
She just smiled at him.
He still has the rug burns on both his knees arising from the tackle on day three.
He sits back and waits till she says she's sorry.
Two days from now
Both parties will say they're sorry.
1 Actually it looks like a few people did versions of this on the original thread. But I still like mine better.
2 ... which we're assuming takes place between the narrator - a man - and his girlfriend.